
Meet your Coach

Carol Njenga
Carol Njenga

I am Carol Njenga, founder of A Trickle to a Roar.

During my vast career, I have been a leader in financial services workplaces and in educational institutions in roles where I had to provide on-the-job coaching.

After seeing some inconsistent results between various people I coached, I decided to delve deeper to understand why some people were getting results that persisted while others were struggling and their results were short-lived. The answer is understanding how different people think rather than what they think and then working with them to adopt resourceful thinking patterns.

Using this approach, I consistently see stellar improvement and growth in the people I coach.

I work with people who are looking to increase the intensity of how they show up in life, in their jobs and as a business.

If you currently show up like a trickling stream, let us work together to make you show up like a roaring river.

I will assist you and support you as you do the work to become the ultimate Roaring version of you that you strive to be.


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